Tuesday, September 17, 2013

TouchAppCreator v2.2

TouchAppCreator v2.2 is released.

Here are new features:

1. Auto save features for paragraph, markdown, html and title element

2. Resource Library (store the files transferred from other app via Open In)

3. Find and replace string for elements

4. Mark pages as draft version

5. Option to include draft in the generated app

6. Paste from clipboard directly if there is only one item

7. Add poster image for video hosted outside the app

8. Configure authoring preference: auto save time interval

9. Fix rotation bugs

10. Compatible with iOS 7

If you have upgraded device to iOS 7 and updated CBB app and the problem still exists, please send email to our support.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

iOS 7 Issues

There are some issues for TouchAppCreator when it is running on iOS 7.

We are still fixing the problems and will release new version as soon as possible.

Please do not upgrade your device to iOS 7 until new version of TouchAppCreator is ready.

Friday, August 2, 2013

TouchAppCreator v2.1

TouchAppCreator v2.1 is released.

Here are new features:

1. Trash function to restore deleted elements

2. Tap navigation bar's title to edit app name, group name, page name

3. Look up dictionary

4. Word count for each page

5. Copy elements from other app to current app

6. Add image from Dropbox & Google Drive directly for app icon, question, song & audio recording

7. Show thumbnails when selecting files from Dropbox & Google Drive

8. Configure custom text

9. The term "Section" is changed to "Group" to avoid confusion

10. Fix bug for paragraph element editor

11. Update YouTube SDK

12. Fix resizing image issues for PNG images

Friday, June 21, 2013

TouchAppCreator v2.0

TouchAppCreator v2.0 is released.

Here are new features:

1. New Question Element:
  • Insert image for question and answer
  • Answer layout (number of columns)

2. Change appearance for Audio Recording & Song Element:
  • Use your own image
  • Tap image to play or stop audio
  • Option to hide audio control 

3. New Drawing Element

4. New LaTeX Element

5. New Map Element

Saturday, June 15, 2013

TouchAppCreator arrives on Android finally

TouchAppCreator arrives on Android finally. It is available on Google Play Store. You can download app via https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tigernghk.android.tac

TouchAppCreator for Android enables everyone to create touch-optimized, and content-centric mobile web apps for both Android mobile devices and tablets in a few minutes on the go. No sign up is required. You can edit your app ONCE and generated app supports both Android mobile devices and tablets automatically.

TouchAppCreator for Android provides the easiest way to publish your apps to Google Drive using site publishing function. People can add your apps to their home screen easily by using browser's Add shortcut to home screen function.

Content Creation
★ Insert title, description, images, links, HTML
★ Inline editing: Bold, Italic, Underline & Insert Link
★ Support Markdown
★ Import photo & text file from Dropbox & Google Drive
★ Add internal links to different pages
★ Embed YouTube videos

App Creation
★ Move and copy element from one page to another
★ Move and copy page from one section to another
★ Sort your content's ordering within a page
★ Customize your home screen icon
★ Organize pages into different sections
★ Create unlimited number of pages
★ Select different themes for pages
★ Create multiple web apps
★ Edit content offline

★ Publish to Google Drive

All generated apps are powered by jQuery Mobile Framework. The format of the output includes HTML, javascript, css, and jpg.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

TouchAppCreator v1.9

TouchAppCreator v1.9 is released.

Here are new features:

1. Add table

2. Add Vimeo Video

3. Add video URL (host video outside the generated app)

4. Add alternative text and link to image

5. Option to use <p> for paragraph element

6. Insert Google Analytics code

7. Update Google Drive SDK

8. Enable iTunes File Sharing

9. Show raw storage for each page and app

10. Fix bug when uploading app to the existing folder via FTP

11. Fix bug when selecting photo from photo library

Monday, January 28, 2013

Web App Hosting on Google Drive

Your App. Your Storage.

Recently, Google Drive launched a new function called "Site Publishing", i.e. simple website hosting.

TouchAppCreator has integrated with Google Drive now.

TouchAppCreator will create new folder in your Google Drive storage. Then TouchAppCreator will publish your web app to Google Drive. Everyone can reach your web app via browser. The resulted web link will be like this: https://www.googledrive.com/host/XXXXXXX, where XXXXX is the folder id. TouchAppCreator will generate the link automatically.